Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
644 lines
;MOUSER.007 - MOUSE cursoR for the Microsoft Mouse & Compatibles - 09/87
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; (c) OZZARD of WIS / Paul Noeldner, 510 S. Dickinson, Madison, WI 53703
; This Software is In the Public Domaine
; OZZARD of WIS assumes no liability for any loss or damage from use of this
; program. Use of the program constitutes agreement to this disclaimer.
; When copied or distributed, it must include this ASM code documentation.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; MOUSER is dedicated to all cats (cursor arrow tappers) out there who are
; interested in seeing how nice a mouse can work in everyday PC programs.
; The feel of high-powered point-and-click mouse software, can be quickly
; realized in any scrolling-menu program by using MOUSER and a mouse -
; without high-falutin graphics or window software, or gobs of TSR memory.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The MicroSoft(Tm) MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS mouse driver, or a compatible
; using the same driver protocol, must be implemented to run MOUSER.
; MOUSER then works with ANY PROGRAM that accepts cursor up/down/left/right.
; The mouse buttons can be used for COMMON KEYS like return and escape -
; both mouse speed, and buttons, can be set via parms to suit your needs.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The MOUSER defaults - average cursor speed, and RETURN/ESCAPE/BREAK buttons,
; work well in many applications. Individuals may wish to adjust the
; speed and the button functions for particular applications, to make mouse
; use satisfying and productive (rather than tedius or target practice).
; The cursor speed and buttons can be customized by you to complement
; your applications. You run MOUSER with control parameters from the DOS
; prompt or in any application .bat procedure file.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; MOUSER Hn Vn Lnn Rnn Bnn?
; ? - help - which also appears if parms are not understood
; Hn, Vn n=1 to 9 - sets Horizontal or Vertical cursor speed
; Lx, Rx, Bx - x=character or 2-digit ASCII value - sets Left,
; Right, or Both (pressed together) button key values
; Digit values above 31 are treated as 'extended' keys.
; These parms are all optional, in any order, with any delimiters.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; MOUSER ? - shows full help, sample button ASCII values.
; MOUSER - sets default medium cursor, RETURN, ESCAPE buttons
; MOUSER H1 V1 L27 R13 B/ - slow cursor, left ESCAPE, right RETURN, both /
; This might be appropriate for a scrolling-bar menu program.
; This example shows how to reverse the return/escape buttons,
; if you happen to prefer them in that order. Both buttons would
; input a slash, which may be useful for spreadsheet commands.
; MOUSER V9 L73 R81 B27 - fast vertical, left PGUP, right PGDN, both ESC
; This would be useful in a text file browse, and to
; quickly position the cursor and mark blocks in an editor.
; The button keys work in any program that accepts the specified keys.
; The MOUSER ? help display shows several more common key values.
; See your DOS or BASIC manual for a complete list of the ASCII values
; of keys below 32 (space), such as 13-RETURN, and the 'extended' keys
; such as 81-PGUP. Any values over 32 are considered 'extended' keys.
; If a character is specified instead of a 2-digit value, it is used.
; MOUSER + - the + parm is the currently implemented means to
; reactivate MOUSER if it becomes deactivated.
; Once you use +, it must be used subsequently.
; Hopefully, the next version will not need this.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The regular cursor keys continue to work as usual. Programs that have
; their own mouse driver support, work independently of MOUSER.
; MOUSER does not prevent or preclude any normal use of the keyboard.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Some programs appear to disable MOUSER; you may want to put MOUSER
; in the application .bat startup file, after the application program,
; to turn the mouse back on after running the application. Programs
; that have custom mouse drivers are commonly guilty of this crime.
; In that case, use the + parameter to ask that a fresh copy be loaded.
; Once the + parameter is used, it must subsequently be used each time.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Normally one copy of MOUSER loads memory resident; after that, the parms
; are updated whenever the program is run. The program takes about 600 bytes
; of memory - much less than 'custom' mouse menus. By not reloading
; each time it is run, it saves that much more memory for you.
; If the mouse driver has been disengaged by any program, it is reengaged
; by using the + parameter, which loads a fresh copy of MOUSER. A future
; version of this program should get around that requirement, but my
; knowledge of assembler is pretty weak and I cannot seem to reengage by
; pointing at the current resident version. Give it a hack - give me a call!
; See the code related to tsrsav and address 126h - that was my attempt.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The program code was modeled after MOUSEKEY by Jeff Prosise / Ziff Davis.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; While MOUSER can be used in place of MOUSEKEY, the defaults are different.
; Enhancements have been made to improve user control over parameters.
; The program normally loads just one TSR copy even if run more than once.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; (1) Added control over sensitivity of horizontal motion.
; (2) Prioritized vertical above horizontal movement (otherwise the mouse
; tends to jump left and right while positioning vertically).
; (3) Set defaults to suit menu scrolling - slower cursor speed, and
; mouse buttons set to RETURN, ESCAPE (instead of MOUSEKEY PGUP, PGDN).
; (4) Allow optional parms for speed 1-9 and custom mouse button values
; specified as actual characters or 2-digit ASCII codes.
; Example: MOUSER H5 V5 L13 R27 B03 (example indicates the defaults).
; All parms are optional in any order. Any delimiters are ignored.
; Any unrecognized 'junk' on the command line displays help and a message.
; (5) Added processing for 'both buttons' pressed, giving a third key value
; in addition to left and right button values. Default is 03, CTRL-C.
; (5) Added help - enter MOUSER ? for help display.
; (6) Posts current TSR version if already loaded, by finding itself in
; memory. This is especially important since the intent is to run
; MOUSER whenever it is desirable to set parms to suit particular programs.
; It may be run as part of .BAT files for specific applications.
; Currently, if driver is 'disengaged', must reload using + parm.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The following program structure is based on Jeff Prosise's MOUSEKEY.
; It includes a TSR segment and an initialization segment that now sets the
; parameters and terminates after pointing the PLP to the end of the TSR part.
; If already loaded, parms are posted to the current address of the program.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bios_data segment at 40h
org 1Ah
buffer_head dw ? ;pointer to keyboard buffer head
buffer_tail dw ? ;pointer to keyboard buffer tail
org 80h
buffer_start dw ? ;starting keyboard buffer address
buffer_end dw ? ;ending keyboard buffer address
bios_data ends
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code
org 100h
begin: jmp init ;goto initialization code
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;This part was enhanced in MOUSER to include hdelay and lkey/rkey/bkey values,
;and to support location and posting of current TSR version of program.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
resfinder db 'MOUSER CODE' ;This is used to find and change parms
;if MOUSER program is already resident.
;Address of above literal is mcb+113h.
;If this db block is changed, also
;change the initialize mcb: and post:
;code that finds and changes the parms.
;The following parms are at mcb+11Eh.
vdelay db 5 ;vertical delay (set by Vn speed parm)
hdelay db 5 ;horizontal delay (set by Hn parm)
lkey dw 000Dh ;keycode for left button (set by Lnn)
rkey dw 001Bh ;keycode for right button (set by Rnn)
bkey dw 0003h ;keycode for both buttons (set by Bnn)
tsrsav dw 0000h ;address of 'mouse' segment below
vcount db 1 ;vertical mouse mickey counter
hcount db 1 ;horizontal mouse mickey counter
vflag dw ? ;vertical count sign flag
hflag dw ? ;horizontal count sign flag
keycode db 4Dh,4Bh,50h,48h ;keycodes for up/dn/lf/rt cursor keys
;This subroutine is handed control by the mouse driver when the mouse is
;moved or a button is pressed.
mouse proc far
;Determine which event occurred and branch accordingly.
test ax,2 ;was the left button pressed?
jnz lbut ;yes, then branch
test ax,8 ;was the right button pressed?
jnz rbut ;yes, then branch
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;Move the cursor in the direction indicated by the most recent mouse move.
;This was modified from MOUSEKEY to prioritize vertical over horizontal,
;and to test a horizontal delay factor.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
mouse0: mov ax,11 ;function 11
int 51 ;read mouse motion counters
mov hflag,0 ;initialize sign flags
mov vflag,2
xor al,al ;zero AL for extended keycode
cmp dx,0 ;vertical count positive?
jge mouse1 ;yes, then branch
inc vflag ;record negative condition
neg dx ;convert negative to positive
mouse1: cmp cx,0 ;horizontal count positive?
jge mouse2 ;yes, then branch
inc hflag ;record negative condition
neg cx ;convert negative to positive
mouse2: mov bx,vflag ;assume motion was vertical
cmp dx,cx ;was the assumption correct?
jae mouse4 ;yes, then branch
mov bx,hflag ;no, then correct it
dec hcount ;decrement horizontal count
jz mouse3 ;continue if count is zero
ret ;exit if it's not
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;The hdelay/vdelay values allow control over horizontal sensitivity.
;These are input as Hn Vn parms as speed 1-slow to 9-fast, and converted
;for decrementing to delay 9-slow to 1-fast. The delay simply ignores
;the indicated number of mickeys (mouse increments) before responding.
;They correspond roughly to screen pixels; e.g. speed 1 moves 1 pixel where
;speed 9 moves 9 pixels in a similar physical mouse movement (about 1/32").
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
mouse3: mov ah,hdelay
mov hcount,ah ;reset horizontal delay
jmp setkey ;
mouse4: dec vcount ;decrement vertical delay
jz mouse5 ;continue if count is zero
ret ;exit if it's not
mouse5: mov ah,vdelay
mov vcount,ah ;reset vertical delay
setkey: mov ah,keycode[bx] ;get keycode from table
jmp insert ;insert it into keyboard buffer
;The left button was pressed. Load AX with the keycode.
lbut: test ax,8
jnz bbut ;both buttons?
mov ax,lkey ;load left button keycode
jmp insert ;insert into the keyboard buffer
;The right button was pressed. Load AX with the keycode.
rbut: mov ax,rkey ;load keycode
jmp insert ;insert into keyboard buffer
;Both buttons were pressed. Load AX with the keycode.
bbut: mov ax,bkey ;load both button keycode
;Insert the keycode in AX into the keyboard buffer.
insert: mov bx,bios_data ;point DS to BIOS data area
mov ds,bx
assume ds:bios_data
cli ;disable interrupts
mov bx,buffer_tail ;get buffer tail address
mov dx,bx ;transfer it to DX
add dx,2 ;calculate next buffer position
cmp dx,buffer_end ;did we overshoot the end?
jne insert1 ;no, then continue
mov dx,buffer_start ;yes, then wrap around
insert1: cmp dx,buffer_head ;is the buffer full?
je insert2 ;yes, then end now
mov [bx],ax ;insert the keycode
mov bx,dx ;advance the tail
mov buffer_tail,bx ;record its new position
insert2: sti ;enable interrupts
assume ds:nothing
ret ;exit user-defined subroutine
mouse endp
;INIT routine points the mouse driver to the user-defined subroutine,
;then leaves it resident in memory.
init proc near
jmp setup
logo db 201,205,205,181
db' MOUSER.007 / 10/87 / OZZARD of WIS / Public Domain / ?-HELP '
db 198,205,205,187,13,10,'$'
helpmsg db 186
db ' Paul Noeldner, Madison, WI 608-255-5577 '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' ',15,' For CATS (Cursor Arrow Tappers) with MS(tm) compatible Mice. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' ',15,' To use a mouse in any program that uses cursor arrows, just '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' set the speed for easy pointing and buttons for common keys. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' ',15,' Put MOUSER into .BAT files, set for specific applications. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' MOUSER H5 V5 L13 R27 B03 Example showing default parameters. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' MOUSER H1 V2 B/ Slower cursor (for 123-style menus). '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' MOUSER V9 L73 R81 B27 Faster with PGUP/PGDN (for browsing). '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' Hn, Vn Horizontal, Vertical speed 1-9, default 5-medium. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' Lx, Rx, Bx Sets button key characters or ASCII key codes. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' + Loads new copy of MOUSER (use only if disengaged). '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' All parms are optional, in any order, with any delimiters. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' Button ASCII key values over 31 are used for extended keys. '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' These are commonly used keys (see a BASIC manual for more): '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' 03 - CTRL/C 09 - TAB 13 - RETURN 27 - ESCAPE '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' 71 - HOME 73 - PGUP 79 - END 81 - PGDN '
db 186,13,10,186
db ' 82 - INSERT 83 - DELETE 59 THRU 68 - F1 THRU F10 '
db 186,13,10,200
db 67 dup ('═')
db 188,13,10,'$'
errmsg db 7,200
db 8 dup ('═')
db 9 dup ('═')
db 188,7,13,10,'$'
junkmsg db 7,200
db 7 dup ('═')
db 8 dup ('═')
db 188,7,'$'
loadmsg db 200
db 18 dup ('═')
db 16,' OK - Mouse Cursor Installed ',17
db 18 dup ('═')
db 188,13,10,'$'
postmsg db 200
db 16 dup ('═')
db 16,' OK - Mouse Cursor Parms Adjusted ',17
db 15 dup ('═')
db 188,13,10,'$'
endparm dw 81h ;end of parm input
mcbptr dw 0000h ;pointer to memory control blocks
found db 'N' ;is MOUSER already loaded TSR in memory
newcopy db 'N' ;indicates if + (update) parm entered
lit db ? ;literal parm input character
dig db 'N' ;found a digit?
;Logo display
setup: lea dx,logo ;show logo
mov ah,9
int 21h
call parms ;process input parms
call mcbwalk ;check if MOUSER is already resident
endit: jmp allthru ;exit program
init endp
;Process the command line parms (if any)
parms proc near
mov bx,0 ;point at input parm length in Pgm Seg Prefix
mov si,80h
mov ah,0
mov al,byte ptr[si] ;now we have the length
add ax,80h ;compute end of parm
mov endparm,ax ;remember it
inc si ;skip initial space in input parm
mov bx,0
inc si ;get input from command parm
cmp si,endparm ;see if at end of parm
jle parse ;if not, process it
ret ;if so, done with setup work
parse: mov al,byte ptr[si] ;get next character
cmp al,' ' ;skip blanks
je parmloop
cmp al,'/' ;skip slashes
je parmloop
cmp al,',' ;skip commas
je parmloop
cmp al,'+' ;load new copy?
jne help
mov newcopy,'Y'
jmp parmloop
help: cmp al,'?' ;show help?
jne case
lea dx,helpmsg ;help display
mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h
case: cmp al,91 ;upper case?
jl upper
sub al,32 ;convert lower to upper case
upper: call parmcheck ;see if H, V, L, R
jmp parmloop ;continue parsing thru parm
parms endp
;Check for Horizontal and Vertical Speed, Left/Right/Both button control values
parmcheck proc near
cmp al,'H' ;is it horizontal speed parm
jne parmv ;if not, check vertical speed
call digedit ;check it out, value returned in al
cmp dig,'Y' ;is it a digit?
jne junk ;if not, return message
not al ;invert 10-speed to get delay
mov hdelay,al ;store horizontal delay value
ret ;back to parsing parms
parmv: cmp al,'V' ;is it vertical speed parm?
jne parml ;if not, check left button
call digedit ;check it out, value returned in al
cmp dig,'Y' ;is it a digit?
jne junk ;if not, return message
not al ;invert 10-speed to get delay
mov vdelay,al ;store vertical delay value
parml: cmp al,'L' ;is it left button parm?
jne parmr ;if not, check right button
call dighex ;get digits into hex
mov lkey,ax ;set left button key code
parmr: cmp al,'R' ;is it right button parm?
jne parmb ;if not,check both buttons
call dighex ;get digits into hex
mov rkey,ax ;set right button key code
parmb: cmp al,'B' ;is it both buttons parm?
jne junk ;send message if unknown parm
call dighex ;get digits into hex
mov bkey,ax ;set both buttons key code
;Junk parm error message
junk: lea dx,helpmsg ;help, plus error message for invalid parms
mov ah,9
int 21h
lea dx,junkmsg
mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h ;and program ends
parmcheck endp
;Digits to hex routine
dighex proc near
call digedit ;get next digit
cmp dig,'Y' ;is it a digit?
je digcon ;if so, continue
ret ;otherwise got literal, return it
digcon: cbw ;byte in al goes to word in ax
xchg ax,bx ;trade digit and number
mov cx,10d
mul cx ;number in ax times 10
xchg ax,bx ;trade number and digit
add bx,ax ;add digit to number
call digedit ;get next digit
cmp dig,'Y' ;is it a digit?
jne junk ;return message if not
cbw ;byte in al goes to word in ax
xchg ax,bx ;trade digit and number
mov cx,10d
mul cx ;number in ax times 10
xchg ax,bx ;trade number and digit
add bx,ax ;add digit to number
mov ax,bx
cmp al,20h ;is number > 20?
jl setok ;no, set as is
mov ah,al ;yes, make it high byte
mov al,0 ;null low byte
setok: ret ;all thru, got 2 digits into binary form
dighex endp
;Get value of ASCII digit or literal, return in ah
digedit proc near
mov dig,'N' ;may not have a digit here
inc si
mov al,byte ptr[si] ;get next byte
mov lit,al ;save literal value
sub al,30h ;drop ascii code to convert digit to value
jl liter ;if not digit, use literal
cmp al,9d ;
jg liter ;if not digit, use literal
sub al,11d
mov dig,'Y' ;yes, got a digit
liter: or ax,ax ;get ax to null
mov al,lit ;plug in literal character
ret ;back to parm scan
digedit endp
;See if MOUSER is already resident by walking memory control blocks.
;Each MCB is marked with M in first byte, last block has Z in first byte.
;The length of each MCB is in byte 3. Adding len + 1 locates the next MCB.
;If MOUSER is already resident, parms are updated in that copy of the program.
mcbwalk proc near
push bp ;remember right where we were (we hope)
push ax ;the stack was getting messed in this code
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
mov ah,52h ;DOS fn to get first memory control block
int 21h
mov ax,es:[bx-2] ;stash starting mcb address in variable
mov mcbptr,ax
search: mov es,mcbptr ;get first byte at current mcb address
mov dl,byte ptr es:[0]
cmp dl,'M' ;an M means TSR, but not last one loaded
je gotmcb
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop bp ;back to current memory values and pointers
ret ;Done with TSR chain
gotmcb: cmp found,'Y' ;see if already found
je nextmcb ;skip to end of chain if already found
mov dl,byte ptr es:[113h] ;if not found yet, look for 'MOUSER CODE'
cmp dl,'M' ;literal starting in byte 4
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[114h]
cmp dl,'O'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[115h]
cmp dl,'U'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[116h]
cmp dl,'S'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[117h]
cmp dl,'E'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[118h]
cmp dl,'R'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[11Ah]
cmp dl,'C'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[11Bh]
cmp dl,'O'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[11Ch]
cmp dl,'D'
jne nextmcb
mov dl,byte ptr es:[11Dh]
cmp dl,'E'
jne nextmcb
call post ;post parms to existing MOUSER TSR copy
jmp nextmcb
nextmcb: mov ax,mcbptr ;on to the next mcb
mov es,ax
add ax,word ptr es:3 ;length of block is in byte 3
inc ax ;add length plus 1 for next mcbptr
mov mcbptr,ax
jmp search
mcbwalk endp
;Post parms to data locations in current resident version of MOUSER
post proc near
mov found,'Y' ;indicate TSR now found
mov al,vdelay ;and post V, H, L, R and B parms to memory
mov byte ptr es:[11Eh],al
mov al,hdelay
mov byte ptr es:[11Fh],al
mov ax,lkey
mov word ptr es:[120h],ax
mov ax,rkey
mov word ptr es:[122h],ax
mov ax,bkey
mov word ptr es:[124h],ax
;The following code should re-activate the mouse driver addressability
;to the currently loaded tsr mouse routine we just found.
;It is commented out because the code as written here leaves the mouse
;driver pointing into never-never land somewhere. Please help me Peter Pan!
; mov ax,12 ;function 12, set ms driver active
; mov cx,11 ;subroutine call mask
; mov dx,word ptr es:[126h] ;offset of tsrsav pointer to mouse seg
; int 51 ;pass information to mouse driver
post endp
;If MOUSER already TSR, end normally, else end TSR
allthru proc
cmp found,'Y'
jne tsr
cmp newcopy,'Y'
je tsr
mov ah,9 ;send post message
lea dx,postmsg
int 21h
int 20h ;normal exit to DOS
tsr: call msmouse ;make sure mouse driver is resident
mov ah,9 ;send load message
lea dx,loadmsg
int 21h
mov ax,12 ;function 12, set ms driver active
mov cx,11 ;subroutine call mask (bits 1011)
;call if mouse moved, or button tapped
mov dx,offset mouse ;point ES:DX to the TSR subroutine
mov tsrsav,dx ;and save this address for later use
int 51 ;pass address to mouse driver
lea dx,init ;point DX to end of resident code
int 27h ;terminate-but-stay-resident
allthru endp
;Make sure the ms mouse hardware and software are in place.
msmouse proc near
mov ax,0 ;function 0
int 51 ;get installation flag
or ax,ax ;is AX zero?
jne msok ;proceed with loading
mov ah,9 ;print error message and abort
lea dx,errmsg
int 21h
int 20h
msok: ret ;continue loading
msmouse endp
code ends
end begin